
9:00 AM      Registration opens for the Moorcock Prize Shoot

10:00 AM    Qualifying round for the Moorcock Prize Shoot.

                    This is required if you intend to shoot in the final round.

11:00 AM to 12:45 PM:  

Open range and archery lessons

Instructors are available for you to try your hand at shooting.

Armored combat demonstrations

Middle Ages arts demonstrations

1:00PM        Moorcock Prize Shoot final round                                    

2:00PM        Popinjay Prize Shoot for youth

                    Demonstrations continue



10:00 AM    Registration opens for the Moorcock Prize Shoot

10:15 AM    Qualifying round for the Moorcock Prize Shoot.

                    This is required if you intend to shoot in the final round.

11:00 AM to 12:45 PM:

Open range and archery lessons

Instructors are available for you to try your hand at shooting.

Armored combat demonstrations

Middle Ages arts demonstrations

1:00PM       Moorcock Prize Shoot final round

2:00PM        Popinjay Prize Shoot for youth

                    Demonstrations continue